Hay cosas que valen lo mismo que un tesoro. Este video es una de ellas.
En el podemos ver al antiguo grupo de Chantelle "Flipsyde" en el aeropuerto. Es el primer video en el que vemos a Chantelle tal y como ella es, una chica normal que nos cuenta sus problemas con el equipaje, muerta de frio, despeinada y casi sin maquillar. Chantelle, definitivamente nos encantas!

There are some things that we should save as if it was a diamond. And this video is one of those things...
Here we can see Chantelle with her old band "Flipsyde" about to take a flight to Germany during their tour. Is the first video we've seen of Chantelle as she is, a normal girl who tells us her problems with the suitcase, totally cold, without having her hair done and almost without make up!
Chantelle, we definetly love you!

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